Hi, I need to make transponder for a new key, since old keys are lost.
It is Ford Transit model 2007, ecu Fo mo co 6c11 12a650 ak. Where are data for key stored in ecu, dash or in body control module?
I disassembled the ecu but I am not sure where the immo data for keys are stored. there is st 10f275 mcu, but I cannot find the eeprom. Are these data stored in the ecu at all? Or they are somewhere else in dash or general module?
Locksmith solution:
Ford Transit 2007 key data is stored in the BCM immo box behind the glove box MC9S12DT256 4L91N.
Read that dump 9s12 and add key with Tango Key Programmer etc but very long winded.
Easier to relearn new key with Ford VCM2 IDS.
You will need 2 keys if using Ford IDS.
4D63 80 bits transponder from CnAutotool you don’t neet the dump read just make key turn ignition add key via IDS.
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